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Génération mer
Our ongoing commitment
Foundation 12 May 2024

Race for Water integrates Génération Mer

In our ongoing quest to preserve the oceans, we are proud to announce that we have joined the dynamic and committed ‘Génération Mer’ network. This alliance represents much more than a simple affiliation; it's an oath to protect the oceans and make the most of their resources.

Génération Mer: a collective of players working for the Ocean

“Génération Mer embodies a community of passionate players united by a common cause: to raise awareness of the need to protect the marine world and mobilise citizens in support of this noble cause. Initiated in France by the Délégation à la Mer et au Littoral of the Ministry in charge of the Sea, as well as the Ministries of Sport and National Education, this collective was born out of a shared vision on 25 May 2018.

A charter to guide action

The ‘Génération Mer’ charter, adopted in 2019, sets out the shared values and objectives to ensure the preservation of the oceans and the sustainable management of their wealth for future generations. This charter symbolises our commitment to act to protect the oceans, which are considered a common asset of humanity. Read the charter

The commitments of the Génération Mer community

As members of the ‘Génération Mer’ community, we are fully committed to :

  • Defend the integrity of the ocean for the well-being of mankind and the preservation of its natural environment.
  • Enhancing the value of our maritime space from a sustainable development perspective, thereby protecting its biodiversity and resources.
  • Leading collaborative programmes to raise awareness and mobilise society around ocean issues.
  • Building a bridge between science and society to share our knowledge and mobilise action.
  • Support local and regional initiatives to raise public awareness and encourage users to take responsibility.
  • Favouring an intergenerational approach, in particular by including the younger generation in our actions.
  • A fundamental mission: preserving our coastlines and the Ocean

Our shared commitment within ‘Génération Mer’ is based on a vital mission: to preserve the Ocean and our coastlines for future generations. By disseminating knowledge and mobilising citizens, we will work to create a collective awareness and direct commitment to our oceans.

An open, collaborative approach

Since its creation, ‘Génération Mer’ has favoured a participative and transparent approach. Active members contribute actively to the ‘Génération Mer’ Steering Committee, determining the community’s main orientations and concrete actions. By joining ‘Génération Mer’, we are committing ourselves to stepping up our efforts to protect the oceans, for a future in which future generations will also be able to enjoy the beauty and richness of our seas.

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