Race for Water on stopover in Bora Bora
Having picked her way along the outside edge of the reef, with its vertiginous depths of over 1,000 metres, and negotiated some majestic waves picked up by the swell, Race for Water made her entrance into the turquoise waters of the lagoon via the Teavana Pass before tying up alongside in the port of Vaitape in Bora Bora.
Basile Prime, on-board engineer: “It was a quick passage. We pushed her a bit to reach an average speed of between 5 and 6 knots. In terms of energy, we initially switched her to maximum power to drain the batteries, then once we were at 30%, we switched over to the hydrogen, which enabled us to extend our range until the sun came up again. We used around 700kW, 100kW of which came from the hydrogen (and the rest from the solar power). Given that we used just 2.8% of our hydrogen capacity, we were really pleased with the system, which has proved to be very efficient during this passage.”
On the programme:
From Monday 22 to Friday 26 October: School visits and workshop
Saturday 27 October: Departure to Tétiaroa